Where is Luongo going?

Too bad the month of October didn’t move as fast for Roberto Luongo as his trade speculation did. The media has made up so many stories in Vancouver; you don’t know which one to believe. One day he’s saying he’s going to do what’s best for the team, the next day he’s readying a wish list of trade destinations like Dwight Howard, and now he’s demanding a trade like he’s Dany Heatley. At this rate he’ll be on the Leafs by Monday and have them win their first Stanley Cup in what seems like 100 years, by Tuesday. Wednesday, he will be on team Belarus winning them their first gold medal in hockey at the 2014 Sochi Olympics. Ok maybe the last one was a little far-fetched, but you get the picture, it seems like every day, there’s a new rumor about Luongo. Oh and…yes the Leafs are expected to be on Luongo’s wish list. Oh and Boston, Team Russia, and the Germans on the wish list also, ok maybe not.
The list that is being “compiled” as you read this, ESPN reported, includes Florida, Tampa Bay, Chicago, Toronto and New Jersey. I would expect the team list to change in the near future as I don’t think Chicago will be willing to accept Roberto Luongo after the playoff battles they’ve had in the past. Honestly like Mike Gillis has said, everyone needs to take a deep breath. There will be lots of time for the Ryan Malone for Luongo speculation or the number 5 pick from Toronto for Luongo speculation. Remember it’s still only playoffs, and there won’t likely be anything until after the playoffs which is in 6 weeks. Even though it’s been said that Luongo hasn’t asked for a trade, Mike Gillis said on the TEAM 1040 morning show in Vancouver “We’ve met, but we’ve decided we’ll take our time and talk in the next few days over the phone,” he said.
If when Luongo got together for his final meeting with Gillis, Luongo pointed out that the team looked it would be moving on with Schneider, what’s Luongo going to say? Let me return to be the backup goalie? Remember, Luongo is only 33, and has a couple more years left in him; he could lead another team to the Cup Finals, just like he did with the Canucks. What if Luongo said he didn’t see a future in Vancouver is that really requesting a trade? Maybe. When Luongo met with media for the final time before the off-season, he made it clear that it was Schneider’s time, and said “he could dominate for 10, 12, 15 years”. Maybe that last part was a bit overreacting from Luongo’s part, but I think you guys get the picture.
So in closing, no one knows what’s going on. No one knows where Luongo could possibly be going. Despite reports of a list that had Chicago, Tampa Bay, Florida, Toronto, and New Jersey, only two of them in my mind made sense, while one was like a maybe. Everyone just needs to relax, the 2nd round of the playoffs are beginning tonight, watch it. Stop giving fuel to these Luongo rumors, because NONE of us here in Vancouver know where he could be going except for one person, and that’s Roberto Luongo. I know many of you want our All-Star goaltender out of Vancouver, and I really don’t know why, but just WAIT, give it time.