NHL Ice Girl of the Day: Shanelle of the Dallas Stars

1) When and how did you get into hockey?
A: My passion for dance brought me to this team and from that point my love for hockey began.
2) Who is your favorite hockey player of all-time?
A: Modano. I had the opportunity of being a part of this organization during his career as well as being a part of his retirement ceremony.
3) What are some of your hobbies and interests?
A: I enjoy anything artsy and good company.
4) What’s the best thing about being an NHL Ice Girl?
A: The opportunity to make long lasting memories and relationships. I get to do something I love while having the best seats in town.
5) Did you play organized hockey growing up or if not would you be interested in learning to play?
A: No I have not played hockey growing up but I have greatly enjoyed the games we put together during practice, It can get pretty aggressive.
6) How many seasons have you been an NHL Ice Girl?
A: I have been an NHL Ice girl for four years.
7) What do you love the most about hockey?
A: You cant help but enjoy the overall environment.
8) What would be your dream job?
A: My dream job would be something I enjoy so much I wouldn’t call it work.
9) How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
A: Passionate, family oriented, and adventurous.