9 Signs You’re a Dallas Stars Fan

9. You’re not entirely sure of what the rules are, but you still love the game!
While it is true that there are a lot of Dallas Stars fans that don’t know what things like icing or slashing are, that doesn’t stop them from becoming loyal fans and enjoying every second of the game. When the Stars originally moved to Dallas most Texans hadn’t even seen a game of hockey and many only went to Reunion Arena to see what it was all about, but many of those fans remain to this day and for a long time had no idea what was actually going on. Then again, with players like Mike Modano and Derian Hatcher on the ice, it’s not hard to get interested.
8. You recognize this guy and/or know him by name

Stars fans love him, fans of the road team and television broadcasters hate him. Nick Moroch has developed a reputation as one of the most devoted Stars fans around, always found jumping out of his seat to bang on the glass in his trademark cream-colored sports coat. Unfortunately that banging came to an end during the 2013-14 season after complaints from broadcasters due to there being a microphone right under the pane of glass Nick would bang on. Nick’s family have had the same seats for decades and Nick still shows unwavering support for his Stars, now he just has to hold up a “#BANG” sign instead of actually banging on the glass.
7. You can’t help but scream “STARS!” whenever you sing the National Anthem
There are many traditions throughout all of professional sports when it comes to the National Anthem and the Dallas Stars are one of the teams that have a tradition of their own. Then again, it isn’t to hard to have one when the name of your team appears in the lyrics… twice.
One thing Dallas Stars fans enjoy when going to games is shouting “STARS!” while the National Anthem is being sung. Not only does it show support for the home team, but it scares the hell out of fans coming in from out of town. Every home game Stars fans remove their hats, put their hands on their hearts, and sing along all while giving each other sly smiles knowing that the away fans near by them will end up jumping in fright when hundreds of fans shout suddenly in unison. The only thing Texans love more than Texas itself is Lady Liberty.
6. You’ve been late to a game thanks to the never ending road work in Dallas
Let’s face it, you knew better. Anyone that has ever stepped foot in Dallas knows that there is always construction and road work going on in Dallas. While this can be true for many major cities, it seems as if Dallas is the worst. You end up leaving the house just a tad too late and end up stuck in traffic while annoyingly clueless drivers slowly make their way around the construction, only for you to end up getting to your seats five to ten minutes into the first period. Make it easy on yourself next time and just take the train.
5. You’ve bragged to every Minnesotan you’ve met that Dallas got the Stars

1993 was a big deal for the Stars, as it saw them move from the snowy weather of the “hockey state” Minnesota to the scorching hot land of football, Texas. Many Minnesota North Stars fans were devastated to see their team go, especially after making the 1991 Stanley Cup Finals. Since the Minnesota Wild were founded in 1997 their fans, who are presumably old North Stars fans, would often boo the Dallas Stars whenever they would come to St. Paul.
Thanks to this little rivalry many Texans have been known to rub it in Minnesotan’s faces that Texas is now home to the Stars, as well as the Dallas Stars’ 1999 Stanley Cup win. Although their bragging is usually met by, “People in Texas actually like hockey?,” it doesn’t make it any less fun. The truth is, most people in Minnesota don’t really care anymore. In fact, many fans continued supporting the Stars through their move to Texas.
4. No matter what anyone else says, it was a good goal
Stars fans everywhere are nodding their heads in agreement to this one. One June 19, 1999 Brett Hull scored the “goal heard ’round the world” when he got the puck past Dominik Hasek in the 3rd OT of Game 6 to win their first ever Stanley Cup. This goal immediately became the most controversial goal in NHL history, with people everywhere calling it a “No Goal”. The reason for this is due to Brett Hull’s foot being in the goalie’s crease, but the puck was not. The NHL claimed to have sent out a memo stating that the “skate in the crease” rule allowed goals in instances where the goalscorer maintained control (not possession) of the puck prior to entering the crease. This seems plausible, but had this memo actually existed, similar goals throughout that season would have been counted instead of being called off.
Goal or no goal, every Stars fan knows that had the goal been called off, the Sabres wouldn’t have stood a chance.
3. You are well-versed in “Razor-isms”

Possibly the only thing more entertaining about Dallas Stars hockey besides the game itself is listening to the hilarious commentating of Daryl “Razor” Reaugh. Ralph Strangis and Daryl Reaugh have come to be one of the most popular sports broadcasting duos around, partly due to the colorful vocabulary of Razor. While most commentators have a few crutch words they lean on, Razor will always throw out the most random adjectives and phrases that perfectly describe what is going on at the moment.
For the hockey fans that have yet to enjoy the delightful commentary of Razor, here is a wonderful list of quotes and sayings from the man himself.
- “This goal is six shades of sexy. Puck back in behind, round the house, curl it in, pull its pants down and spank it home. Watch the reaction from Mikka Kiprusoff. There’s the manipulation up top; here comes the stimulation. Kabang!”
- “He could stop a BB with a pencil”
And the greatest of all came when Razor was attempting to describe a goal from Jamie Benn,
- “Like poop through a diarrhea infected goose”
2. Metallica’s ‘Nothing Else Matters’ brings a tear to your eye
The Dallas Stars’ road to the Stanley Cup in 1999 wasn’t an easy one. They worked for several seasons to not only build up the right team, but to show Texans that hockey did belong in the Lone Star State. Fortunately for them, they got both. The fans soon started rallying behind their team and the phrase “Nothing else matters” soon became the battle cry of the Stars fans when referring to the Stanley Cup. Metallica’s 1991 smash hit of the same name soon became the song that drove the team and the fans toward their dreams.
The song took a whole new meaning for the Dallas Stars and their fans when the Stars’ efforts paid off and they achieved their ultimate dream. The average person may hear the song and just hear the song that helped vault Metallica in to their thrones as metal gods, Dallas Stars fans hear it and are reminded of Lord Stanley’s Cup.
1. You can’t help but cry tears of joy when you look back on Mike Modano’s career
Mike Modano is without a doubt the face of the Dallas Stars franchise and the greatest player to ever lace up the skates for the team. Mike dazzled Stars fans with his incredible moves on the ice, and won their hearts off the ice. His unwavering support for the franchise and fans that surrounded it remains to this day and saw him play nearly his whole career with the franchise, aside from his final season, which was spent with the Detroit Red Wings (Damn you Nieuwendyk).
All Stars fans can agree with me in the fact that it was a true honor to be able to watch him play and that he is THE Dallas Star. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house when his number 9 was raised into the rafters, never to be worn by another Dallas Star ever again.