NHL Ice Girl of the Day: Erin of the Toronto Maple Leafs

1) When and how did you get into hockey?
A: I was about 10 years old when I kept asking my parents if they could put me into a hockey league. It’s funny because I have no brothers, I just genuinely loved hockey and always wanted to play. So they put me into a league when I was 10 and started playing a high level of hockey a couple seasons later!
2) Who is your favorite hockey player of all-time?
A: Steve Yzerman! I always wore #19 playing, my Dad grew up in Windsor s= o when I was young I grew up going to Wings games and idolizing Stevey Y.
3) If you could meet any= current hockey player, who would it be?
A: Either Sidney Crosby or Steven Stamkos just because I think they are both the best players in the game at the moment.
4) What are some of your hobbies and interests?
A: I love to play sports, besides playing hockey I also play soccer, volleyball and snowboard. I love to travel as well, it is one of my passions, I’ve been to a ton of places around the world.
5) What’s the best thing about being an NHL Ice Girl?
A: I love that I get to be a part of making other people love hockey as much as I do. Also, being on that ice in front of almost 20,000 fans is an amazing feeling!
6) Did you play organized hockey growing up or if not would you be interested in learning to play?
A: Yes I did, since I was 10 years old, it’s a huge passion of mine.
7) How many seasons have you been an NHL Ice Girl?
A: Going into my 2nd season, since this is only the 2nd season Leafs have had ice girls.
8) What do you love the most about hockey?
A: I love how tough the sport is, hockey players get hurt and get right back up. In the end, all players have respect for each other, no matter what happens in the game. I also just love the game in general, I love to play it, watch it, be a part of it.
9) What would be your dream job?
A: To be honest, my dream job would be to play in the NHL! We all know that is not realistic though haha, so anything to do with working in the NHL I would love, an ice girl is a pretty good start.
10) How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
A: Athletic, Adventurous, Spontaneous