NHL Ice Girl of the Day: Belinda of the Dallas Stars

1) When and how did you get into hockey?
A: I went to my first Dallas Stars game a couple of years ago and have been hooked ever since.
2) Who is your favorite hockey player of all-time?
A: I would have to say Mike Modano. I have never experienced anything like his jersey retirement ceremony. Many of our fans continue to support the Dallas Stars because of all the things he did for our organization.
3) What are some of your hobbies and interests?
A: I like reading, going to movies,
4) What’s the best thing about being an NHL Ice Girl?
A: The best thing about being an Ice Girl (besides getting to go to every game!) would have to be the time spent bonding with the rest of the Ice Girl team. By the end of the year, we are as close as sisters.
5) Did you play organized hockey growing up or if not would you be interested in learning to play?
A: I was a dancer growing up, but I would enjoy playing now.
6) How many seasons have you been an NHL Ice Girl?
A: One
7) What do you love the most about hockey?
A: What I love about hockey is that it is so fast paced. If you blink, you might miss something!
8) What would be your dream job?
A: I love teaching, but if I couldn’t be a teacher I would want to own an animal sanctuary; I am always bringing home stray pets!
9) How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
A: Organized, Motivated, and Funny