NHL Ice Girl of the Day: Alanna from the Calgary Flames

1) When and how did you get into hockey?
A: I guess you could say I was born into a hockey family. My dad and everyone in his family had all played hockey. My sister started at a young age and I naturally wanted to do everything the same as her so I joined also at about 12 years old. Been a fan of the game ever since!
2) Who is your favorite hockey player of all-time?
A: I’d have to say Mario Lemieux.
3) If you could meet any current hockey player, who would it be?
A: PK Subban, to see if he’s as eccentric off the ice, as he is on.
4) What are some of your hobbies and interests?
A: Netflix, naps, and dancing!
5) What’s the best thing about being an NHL Ice Girl?
A: Seeing every game and being a part of the unreal energy at the Saddledome!
6) Did you play organized hockey growing up or if not would you be interested in learning to play?
A: Yes I did, I played girls hockey for 3 years.
7) How many seasons have you been an NHL Ice Girl?
A: Just one, but I hope many more to come!
8) What do you love the most about hockey?
A: I just love everything about the game itself. I’ve also noticed from being an ice girl how much it can bring a city together. Seeing the camaraderie between the fans and the players is pretty special. The energy and excitement when your team scores a goal is really unlike any other feeling and how can you be Canadian and not love hockey?
9) What would be your dream job?
A: NHL flames Ice girl 😛
10) How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
A: Compassionate, determined, and silly.